Twitter is currently one of the most influential social media platforms in the world. What started out as a company that did not have any revenue, and which received its funding purely on its potential to become the “place to be”, is now finally paying dividends. The company has become profitable due to advertising programs, where businesses and other entities are able to reach a wide market in a very quick manner, for a very low investment. In this article, we’re going to cover four strategies on how to make the most of this platform.

1. Offer Value to Your Followers

The purpose of a content marketing strategy is to entice users by offering them something valuable for free. If all you do is promote your products and services aimlessly, many of your users will have no real reason to follow your Twitter account. However, if you offer guides, infographics, and other valuable tidbits for free, your customers are incentivized to keep an eye on your twitter feed. Other valuable pieces of content include live Q&A’s, industry seminars, and hosting third-party content on your blog. Visual media can also be a big draw, and quality images and gifs are always shareable.

2. Use Twitter as a Customer Support Platform

With the advent of the internet, live chat support has become the preferred method for most customers. Placing a call, sending an email, or visiting a company’s physical location are much more inconvenient when compared to live chat, which can happen either through a website widget or through social media. In fact, most companies will use Twitter for this purpose. On Twitter, the atmosphere is more relaxed, and this allows a brand to form very positive relationships with their users.

3. Use Humor in Your Posts

Not every post has to offer value in the form of concrete information or problem-solving advice. Value can also take the form of a humorous post or meme. Sometimes, this can be even more effective when you’re trying to create content that is shareable and which encourages customer retention. Think about all the accounts and brands that you follow on Twitter simply because they make you laugh every now and then.

However, you should not throw caution to the wind here. Bad or inappropriate jokes may backfire, and some industries are not well suited for this strategy (the corporate, legal, and medical fields, for example). Here, seriousness will be more effective. However, most consumer brands can definitely dip their toes into the more humorous side of brand marketing.

4. Use Short-form Video

Short-form video has some of the highest engagement rates on social media, to the tune of 10x as much engagement as regular content. If that’s not enough, there are currently 2 times more video views on Twitter in 2019 than there were at the same time in 2018, which is quite the growth rate.

Make sure that the videos are mobile friendly, since 90% of video views occur on mobile devices. The best format here is 4:3, and subtitles are a good idea, because a considerable segment of the user base prefers to view videos without sound every so often. Make sure that they are also short and to the point.

Tailoring the Right Strategy for Your Brand

If you would like to build a strategy that is best suited for your brand in order to receive the highest ROI, it’s best to contact a professional Arlington Heights digital marketing agency. We offer social media management in Arlington Heights, and our services are designed to draw in the user base you need in order to make your business grow. For more information, contact us today!